May 5, 2016 at 8:14pm Cory, gammavix, and 3 more like this

Post by Jimbo on May 5, 2016 at 8:14pm
Hey guys,
Due to some intellectual property issues, we will no longer be able to produce GPKUG Fan Sets.
The Fan Sets began in 2011 when I wanted to produce a set of cards for myself in Persian-Farsi, a language I learned while in the military. I never thought anyone else would be interested in the cards but to my surprise, people loved them. We subsequently made 5 more fan sets and everyone seemed to really enjoy them.
We never set out to make money. We simply wanted to produce a cool set of cards that people would like. We went spent a lot of time (and money) making the fan sets.
All in all it was a good run but unfortunately it has come to an end.
I want to thank Rusvan, -TCT, tinyTIMMAH, Cory, and all the GPKUG members who supported us over the last 5 years.
No more fan sets will be sold. All unpaid invoices have been cancelled.
Thanks guys.