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  • Original Series 12 Art Info

    Here is a list of Original Series 12 final art. If it has been sold it will show the following items:

    When it was sold
    Who it was sold to
    The price it sold for

    If it hasn't sold yet, it won't have any of the above information.

    Date: 1988
    Series: 12th
    Cards: 460a/b - 500a/b

    Pieces Left: 1

    Pieces Sold:
    Highest Price:
    Lowest Price:
    Average Price:
    Total Price:

  • #2
    Card: 460a / 460b
    Name: Ball 'N Shane / Hard Rocky
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: September 1-8, 2005
    High Bidder: vado4
    Final Price: $449.00


    Card: 461a / 461b
    Name: Mara Thon / Racy Lacey
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 6-13, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $307.02


    Card: 462a / 462b
    Name: Half Price / Checked-Out Chet
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 463a / 463b
    Name: Phooey To Hugh / Razzin' Ross
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: June 12-19, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $455.00


    Card: 464a / 464b
    Name: Tongue Tied Teddy / Dressed To Killian
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 7-14, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $281.06


    Card: 465a / 465b
    Name: Upsy Daisys / Barfy Barbies
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 9-16, 2005
    High Bidder: imapackman
    Final Price: $426.00


    Card: 466a / 466b
    Name: Seasick Cecil / Dinner At Eytan
    Artist: (?)

    Listed: June 6-13, 2004
    High Bidder: etmedr
    Final Price: $356.14


    Card: 467a / 467b
    Name: Tongue In Chico / Nick Lick
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 22-29, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $261.06


    Card: 468a / 468b
    Name: Mummified Clyde / Twyla Paper
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 1-8, 2002
    High Bidder: pez4prez
    Final Price: $387.03


    Card: 469a / 469b
    Name: Upset Tommy / Tub 'O Lars
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: March 3-10, 2005
    High Bidder: tarpit
    Final Price: $590.00


    Card: 470a / 470b
    Name: Quick Sandy / Abraham Sinkin'
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: August 21-28, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $579.99


    Card: 471a / 471b
    Name: Freestyle Kyle / Rad Rod
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 19-26, 2004
    High Bidder: ynot187017nv
    Final Price: $575.00


    Card: 472a / 472b
    Name: Walter Fall / Ronny Nose
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 28-June 4, 2002
    High Bidder: -Private Auction-
    Final Price: $680.76


    Card: 473a / 473b
    Name: Heavy Meryl / One-Night Stan
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 24-31, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $456.83


    Card: 474a / 474b
    Name: Sole Food Sol / Gooey Stuey
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: May 6-13, 2002
    High Bidder: gpk_collector
    Final Price: $500.01


    Card: 475a / 475b
    Name: Road-Kill Will / Stop Sy
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: October 17-24, 2002
    High Bidder: jronning22
    Final Price: $227.62


    Card: 476a / 476b
    Name: Barf Band Ben / Off Key Lee
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: May 14-21, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $772.00


    Card: 477a / 477b
    Name: Ingrid Inc. / Smokestack Zach
    Artist: John Pound

    High Bidder:
    Final Price:


    Card: 478a / 478b
    Name: Bizarre Lamar / Rearranged Raymond
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: October 8-15, 2003
    High Bidder: gmcosso
    Final Price: $725.00


    Card: 479a / 479b
    Name: Gulpin' Gabe / Over Eatin' Ethan
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: May 31-June 7, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $425.00


    Card: 480a / 480b
    Name: Robby Rubbish / Garbage Pail Kitty
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: February 8-15, 2004
    High Bidder: rodd323438
    Final Price: $440.00


    Card: 481a / 481b
    Name: Car-Stick Karla / Cruisin' Susan
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 30-June 6, 2002
    High Bidder: -Private Auction-
    Final Price: $560.00


    Card: 482a / 482b
    Name: Lickin' Leo / Lappin' Lenny
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: September 30-October 7, 2003
    High Bidder: wattyler
    Final Price: $919.99


    Card: 483a / 483b
    Name: Seedy Sydney / Fertile Myrtle
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: January 1-8, 2003
    High Bidder: pez4wuss
    Final Price: $760.00


    Card: 484a / 484b
    Name: Tim Can / Rusty Bolts
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 19-26, 2005
    High Bidder: mrweezer
    Final Price: $910.00


    Card: 485a / 485b
    Name: 12 O' Clock Hy / Midnight Dwight
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 486a / 486b
    Name: Chiseler Chad / Julius Sneezer
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: June 14-21, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $535.00


    Card: 487a / 487b
    Name: Dead Letter Debbie / Maimed Mamie
    Artist: (?)

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 488a / 488b
    Name: Telly Scope / Peek-A-Boo Beau
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 24-31, 2002
    High Bidder: gumby96
    Final Price: $261.52


    Card: 489a / 489b
    Name: Irate Ira / Angry Annie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 12-19, 2002
    High Bidder: appletonwiusa
    Final Price: $350.90


    Card: 490a / 490b
    Name: Kinky Kristine / Knot The Norm
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 19-26, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $316.26


    Card: 491a / 491b
    Name: Sunken Trevor / Anchored Hank
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: December 9-16, 2002
    High Bidder: sonnyhawk
    Final Price: $510.00


    Card: 492a / 492b
    Name: Cory On The Cob / Hot Buttered Corinne
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: November 5-12, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $247.50


    Card: 493a / 493b
    Name: Peanut Butter 'N Kelly / Out-To-Lunch Lance
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 18-25, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $304.00


    Card: 494a / 494b
    Name: Mitch Match / Hot Dot
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: February 10-17, 2004
    High Bidder: imapackman
    Final Price: $423.00


    Card: 495a / 495b
    Name: Gloppy Glen / Slop Top Todd
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: August 24-31, 2003
    High Bidder: gpkmalt
    Final Price: $825.51


    Card: 496a / 496b
    Name: Allison Waterland / Jon Pond
    Artist: (?)

    Listed: December 1-8, 2002
    High Bidder: pez4prez
    Final Price: $260.56


    Card: 497a / 497b
    Name: Lame Lem / Edward Hopper
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: January 15-22, 2004
    High Bidder: gmcosso
    Final Price: $370.00


    Card: 498a / 498b
    Name: Rolls Royce / Piston Pete
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 9-16, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $404.00


    Card: 499a / 499b
    Name: Abandoned Amanda / Please Give Me A Homer
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: May 16-23, 2004
    High Bidder: mrvgexmt
    Final Price: $313.58


    Card: 500a / 500b
    Name: Winkless Wally / Sight Les
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: January 27-February 3, 2003
    High Bidder: pez4prez
    Final Price: $500.95


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