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  • admin
    Card: 541a / 541b
    Name: Rocco Socko / Destroyed Boyd
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 24-December 1, 2002
    High Bidder: capemay83
    Final Price: $434.99


    Card: 542a / 542b
    Name: Jugglin' Julian / Up In The Aaron
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 31-November 7, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $306.01


    Card: 543a / 543b
    Name: Undersea Lee / Sailin' Waylon
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 21-28, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $308.34


    Card: 544a / 544b
    Name: Zipped Kip / Jack Tracks
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: November 3-10, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $306.01


    Card: 545a / 545b
    Name: Artie Party / Driftin' Clifton
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 21-28, 2002
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: $308.99


    Card: 546a / 546b
    Name: Modern Marlise / Abstract Abby
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: July 9-16, 2002
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: $733.65


    Card: 547a / 547b
    Name: Cuckoo Clark / Bile Lyle
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 27-November 3, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $305.00


    Card: 548a / 548b
    Name: Walt To Wall / Nailed Noel
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 549a / 549b
    Name: Shannon Cannon / Bomb Shelly
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 31-November 7, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $224.19


    Card: 550a / 550b
    Name: Violent Viola / Sawin' Susan
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: December 31-January 7, 2003
    High Bidder: buyatari
    Final Price: $392.78


    Card: 551a / 551b
    Name: Rah Rah Roni / Sis Boom Bonnie
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 552a / 552b
    Name: Half Whit / Lead-Head Ned
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: October 30-November 6, 2002
    High Bidder: slum-maid
    Final Price: $407.98


    Card: 553a / 553b
    Name: Cold Sore Lenore / Kissy Missy
    Artist: Tom Bunk

    Listed: December 4-11, 2002
    High Bidder: pez4prez
    Final Price: $257.52


    Card: 554a / 554b
    Name: Rufus Refuse / Cleaned Up Parker
    Artist: James Warhola

    Listed: October 27-November 3, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $303.00


    Card: 555a / 555b
    Name: Alien Ed / Phone Homer
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 30-December 7, 2002
    High Bidder: de-mented
    Final Price: $525.00


    Card: 556a / 556b
    Name: Mothy Martha / Nailed Natalie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 22-29, 2002
    High Bidder: sonnyhawk
    Final Price: $384.99


    Card: 557a / 557b
    Name: Stu Brew / Empty Ken
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 14-21, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $578.89


    Card: 558a / 558b
    Name: Hans Off / Numb Nate
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: April 30-May 7, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $460.06


    Card: 559a / 559b
    Name: Dwayne Stain / Spilled Gil
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 18-25, 2002
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: $415.00


    Card: 560a / 560b
    Name: Lappin' Larry / Guzzlin' Guy
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 28-November 4, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $422.00


    Card: 561a / 561b
    Name: Marsh Room / Todd Stool
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 562a / 562b
    Name: Post No Bill / Bulletin Boris
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 21-28, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $454.00


    Card: 563a / 563b
    Name: Potato Chip / Dick Tater
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: April 28-May 5, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $472.00


    Card: 564a / 564b
    Name: Millie Meter / Asa Rule
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 3-10, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $227.76


    Card: 565a / 565b
    Name: Easter Bonnie / Hard-Boiled Meg
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 29-November 5, 2002
    High Bidder: rockport94
    Final Price: $317.89


    Card: 566a / 566b
    Name: Swarmin' Armin / Infested Lester
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 12-19, 2002
    High Bidder: appletonwiusa
    Final Price: $344.79


    Card: 567a / 567b
    Name: Doomsday Dom / A-Bomb Tom
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 23-30, 2002
    High Bidder: capemay83
    Final Price: $405.00


    Card: 568a / 568b
    Name: Glut Tony / Phil Swill
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 20-27, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $280.26


    Card: 569a / 569b
    Name: Cut Curt / Electric Fanny
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: (?)
    High Bidder: (?)
    Final Price: (?)


    Card: 570a / 570b
    Name: Ava Shaver / Holly Hormone
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 17-24, 2002
    High Bidder: pez4prez
    Final Price: $278.87


    Card: 571a / 571b
    Name: Rubber Robert / Inside Otto
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: January 2-9, 2003
    High Bidder: horror_monster
    Final Price: $659.98


    Card: 572a / 572b
    Name: Fake Jake / Sham Sam
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: October 18-25, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $280.00


    Card: 573a / 573b
    Name: Snotwich Sandra / Hedda Spreader
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: December 19-26, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $334.99


    Card: 574a / 574b
    Name: Shattered Shell / Fractured Frank
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: April 23-30, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $576.65


    Card: 575a / 575b
    Name: Brain Drain Brian / Pick A Winnie
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: June 30-July 7, 2002
    High Bidder: c_notebob
    Final Price: $1,052.99


    Card: 576a / 576b
    Name: Croaked Kaye / Sporty Morty
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 1-8, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $348.43


    Card: 577a / 577b
    Name: Sown Sonya / Stitchin' Tyne
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: August 15-22, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $405.00


    Card: 578a / 578b
    Name: Dial-A-Twyla / Phone Bella
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: April 29-May 6, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $660.00


    Card: 579a / 579b
    Name: Judd Cud / Spearmint Mindy
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: November 26-December 3, 2002
    High Bidder: selling2003
    Final Price: $361.60


    Card: 580a / 580b
    Name: Burnt-Out Brett / Burne Toast
    Artist: John Pound

    Listed: July 8-15, 2002
    High Bidder: circleah
    Final Price: $560.00

    Leave a comment:

  • admin
    started a topic Original Series 14 Art Info

    Original Series 14 Art Info

    Here is a list of Original Series 14 final art. If it has been sold it will show the following items:

    When it was sold
    Who it was sold to
    The price it sold for

    If it hasn't sold yet, it won't have any of the above information.

    Date: 1988
    Series: 14th
    Cards: 541a/b - 580a/b

    Pieces Left: 0

    Pieces Sold: 40
    Highest Price: -
    Lowest Price: -
    Average Price: -
    Total Price: -
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