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  • The History of GPKUG Promo Cards

    The History of GPKUG Promo Cards

    I’m creating this thread so everybody will be able to see a History of GPKUG promo Cards that have been released. This way everyone will see what are real Official Unofficial GPKUG Promo Cards. I will update the thread everytime we are about to start shipping. Maybe you’ll see somethings you didn’t know about.😉

  • #2
    Wacky Garbage Count Chompula
    Released 2011

    The first promo given away by GPKUG was the Wacky Garbage Count Chompula. This card was based off a canceled Topps project designed by Jeff Zapata.
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    • #3
      Wacky Garbage Ray Gun Brain
      Released 2012

      This was the second promo given away by GPKUG. This card was based off a canceled Topps project designed by Jeff Zapata. Image used for card courtesy of Ray Demarco.
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      • #4
        GPKUG 10th Anniversary/ FS V promo
        Released 2015

        This promo was sent to select GPKUG members to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of GPKUG.com and announce the upcoming release of FS V.
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        • #5
          BMT 35th Anniversary Foil Embossed Buybacks
          Release 2020

          Since Topps failed to issue 35th Anniversary buybacks like they did for the GPK AAAAP and 30th Anniversary Black Market Trading Company took it upon themselves to produce 35th Anniversary Buyback and send them to select members of The UG and DoND. These were also made available for purchase for a limited time. Available in both Silver and Gold foil embossing on official Topps GPK UK Mini Series 1 & 2 as well as US OS2.
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          • #6
            Atomic Adam Black Border Sticker

            Released 2020

            Originally designed to be given to members who joined the new GPKUG site and had already hit the 50 post mark. Only 50 were to be produced but an error at the printer caused production to be only in the 30’s. Due to this only a handful were sent out to select members.
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            • #7
              Atomic Adam Prismatic White Border Sticker

              Released 2020

              Originally designed to be given to members who joined the new GPKUG site and had already hit the 100 post mark. Only 50 were to be produced but an error at the printer caused production to be only in the 30’s. Due to this only a handful were sent out to select members.
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              • #8
                The GPKUG 15th Anniversary Promo Card.

                Released 2020

                We start off with the Hebrew Cracked Crystal GPKUG 15th Anniversary Promo Card. This was issued to any member who joined the all new GPKUG.com to commerate the 15th Anniversary of GPKUG and the launch of the newest version. The only requirements to receive this Promo Card were to join the new site and send your name and address to well me Dxtc. The print run was 250 cards currently their are 82 in circulation. Hand numbered also included with this card was a letter personalized thanking the member for joining us on this new journey and serialized to match the number on the card they received. This card was retired on 12/31/20.
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                • #9
                  Happy Holidays Promo Card.

                  Released 2020

                  To celebrate the holidays the GPKUG offered the 2020 Holiday Promo Card. To get this card a member had to reach certain milestones for new members 25 posts and old school members needed to post a collection thread. The card was limited to 250 pcs. And retired on 12/31/20. In circulation 41.
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                  • #10
                    Black Atomic Adam 50 Post Promo Card.

                    To commerate active members The Notorious BMT created the Black Border Atomic Adam card. The card limited to 50 pieces was given out to Members who reached 50 posts on GPKUG. To commerate their accomplishment and binding tie to the long history of the UG.
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                    • #11
                      White Atomic Adam 100 Post Promo Card.

                      To show their love for their homies The Notorious BMT dropped the bling on members who reached the 100 post milestone with the White Border Atomic Adam. This promo was limited to 50 cards and created to celebrate to continued excellence of members helping to build GPKUG 2.0 into the stronghold for GPK Collectors that the original site was.
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                      • #12
                        The 3 Phases of Dave 250 Post Promo Card.

                        The UG to celebrate a member who reached the 250 post milestone decided to release this pink boarder New Wave Dave Promo Card.. This card limited to 100 pieces went into circulation in the 4th Quarter of 2020. Muchas gracias to La Familia Member Matt Burnett for the assist on the final art pic of BNS3 Graffiti Petey.
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                        • #13
                          Adam Mania Fuggs Fugg Off Promo Card

                          Released 2021

                          The UG to make sure people knew they were back with a vengance and with a bone to pick produced this card. Member must Baba Booey at least 2 GPK Groups with a UG 2.0 Meme, card front and back and link to the UG and asking anyone that joins to say that specific post is why. Then send me a screen shot here on the UG. Limited to one per member. 250 cards were produced and only 80 are in circulation. This was later given away as a bonus card for FS XV.
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                          • #14
                            The Swarm Bea Sting Promo Card

                            Released 2021

                            Discontinued as of 1/24/21.
                            Members must assemble a team of no fewer than 4 members and no more than 100 fellow members, Locate and extremely overpriced listing on ebay accepting offers all team members must put in an extremely low offer with the note "The UG is Watching" screen shot the SUBMITTED offer with the note and send it to me to receive this promo card. Limited to 100 cards. Count for this card will be updated until it’s gone so you can plan team counts. One per member. Members earn this card and who offer their services to additional groups for this mission will receive the honorary title of UG Strike Team Member. And a Rank for each mission IE: Rank 2. This Card goes into circulation in Feb 2021 anyone who completes this mission starting Jan 1st can submit and will receive the card immediately upon it's arrival. Inspired by an idea of billpicard's. Later given away as a bonus card with the first 50 sets sold of FS XVI. Only 75 are in circulation.
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                            • #15
                              Black Ops Bea Sting Promo Card

                              Released 2021
                              Discontinued as of 1/24/21

                              If you perform the same tactics from the swarm but in the Facebook groups on those flipper scum! The only difference is the instead of this:

                              "The UG is Watching"

                              you put

                              "The Black Ops are watching and Waiting to STRIKE!"

                              Later given away as a bonus card with the first 50 sets of FS XIV sold. Only 65 in circulation.
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